The Benefits of Having Tree Trimming Service Done to Your Trees

Well-cared-for trees add aesthetic value to a property, provide shade, and create a habitat for songbirds and other beneficial animals. Tree trimming service is one of the most essential forms of care that property owners can provide, but it will only be effective if they work with dedicated industry experts. Read on to find out about the benefits of hiring a tree care service to have trees professionally trimmed.

Improved Tree Health

Some property owners erroneously assume that trimming back branches will harm their trees. In fact, the opposite is true. Periodically trimming back branches will help to keep trees healthy for as long as possible, especially for larger trees and specimens that have experienced root loss.

Large trees with many close-together branches may not be able to absorb enough vital nutrients from the soil via their roots, which can affect their overall health. Trimming back some of the large branches will allow all of the nutrients absorbed through the tree’s root system to be utilized optimally to feed healthier growth.

Greater Exposure to Sunlight

Trees don’t just need the water and nutrients absorbed through their root systems and routed to the branches via the cambium to survive and thrive. They also need plenty of sunlight. It may be tempting to assume that because trees that have more branches have a greater number of leaves, they’ll be able to photosynthesize more efficiently, but sadly, that is not the case.

When a tree has a crowded crown or too much undergrowth, it produces many leaves that won’t ever receive direct sunlight. When most of a tree’s leaves are shaded by its highest branches, it can reduce the specimen’s ability to perform photosynthesis, a process necessary to create essential nutrients. Over time, the tree’s overall health may suffer as a result.

Better Airflow

Trees and all other plants need proper airflow to survive and thrive. It’s not just that they need to draw in carbon dioxide as a part of the photosynthetic process, either. Poor airflow can create a perfect environment for fungal diseases, bacteria, and insect pests, all of which can spread not only throughout the affected tree but also to nearby specimens.

If there’s no way for wind to easily get through a tree’s branches and crown, it can also cause problems during storms. Trees that have crowded canopies catch more wind and are more likely to be taken down or severely damaged as a result.

Fewer Risks to People and Property

Unhealthy trees can pose a serious risk to nearby structures or people walking underneath. Dead and dying branches are much more likely to fall not just during storms but also at random. If they hit nearby houses, outbuildings, cars, or, even worse, people, the results can be devastating. Large branches are very heavy and can cause significant damage, injuries, or, in a worst-case scenario, mortalities.

A routine tree trimming service helps to prevent all of these risks. It gives tree care professionals the chance to remove dead and dying branches, evaluate the tree’s structure to ensure that it isn’t going to create problems with falling branches, and identify underlying issues with insects or diseases. Addressing all of these problems as soon as they appear is the best way to prevent damage to life, limb, and property.

Improved Appearance

Properly trimmed trees are neater in appearance and can help to boost property values. Structural trimming, pruning off dead branches, and canopy cleaning can all improve a tree’s aesthetics, regardless of its age. For younger trees, regular trimming can also impact how the specimens will look when they are fully grown.

It’s not always just the trees, themselves, that look better after professional trimming. Vista pruning focuses on selectively cutting back branches to improve views. This, in turn, can reduce the need for tree removal. Skilled tree care specialists know how to trim back limbs to provide a perfect view without damaging the tree.

Early Detection of Potential Problems

Trees get sick, just like people and animals. They’re susceptible to fungal, bacterial, and even viral infections, insects, and other pests. Detecting these kinds of problems early is integral to keeping not just the affected trees but also nearby, healthy specimens intact, but most property owners don’t know what to look for and not all issues are visible at ground level.

When a tree crew ascends into the canopy, otherwise hidden problems can become more obvious. These experts know what to look for, so they can easily identify signs of pests and diseases and report the findings to property owners along with their professional opinions about whether the trees can be saved. In most cases, disease and pest outbreaks that are caught early can be addressed with thorough pruning without risking additional spread.

Increased Productivity

Most fruit trees need to be trimmed regularly to ensure maximum productivity. Every type of tree is a little different. Some produce fruit on first-year growth, while others do so on second-year branches, and every species has different structural requirements. Expert tree trimmers know how to handle different types of fruit trees so that they will produce a good crop of large, delicious fruits.

It’s not just fruit trees that are more productive when they get trimmed regularly, either. Ornamental trees grown for their spring or summer blooms also remain more productive for longer if they receive professional attention from tree trimmers.

The Importance of Working With Professionals

Unless the specimen is very small and is not of any great importance to the property’s residents, tree trimming is always a task best left to the pros. It can be very dangerous work when performed on larger trees, as trimming back the canopy or understory requires climbing up into the tree. Tree climbers have access to specialized equipment and training that are not available to the average property owner, and they know how to complete difficult jobs without risking life, limb, or property.

Homeowners and commercial property owners in the Twin Cities area don’t need to worry about who to call when it’s time to have their trees trimmed. They can trust Lakeshore Tree Care with not just trimming and pruning but all of their tree care needs.

Click here to learn more about our tree trimming services!

